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Personal Wealth and Finance

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Life insurance business strategies

July 1, 2024

Financial products and services address specific needs in your financial plan and help you build a successful business. As an advisor, I can access a broad range of insurance, investment, employee disability, and group benefits to help meet your individual and business needs and goals. You may have put all your focus and hard work into your business, so it makes sense to protect it adequately against financial risk and unify it with your wealth creation plan.

Solutions we offer for your business

My training lets me advise your financial planning strategies for setting individual life goals. If you own a small business, we will ensure that we integrate all aspects of the financial plan to work harmoniously for your best interest. Your goals inspire what we do for business owners:

  • Life insured debt protection
  • Life insurance-protected buy-sell agreements
  • Disability income benefit
  • Critical Illness Insurance
  • Employee Insurances
  • Health-care and dental-care benefits
  • Life and accidental death and dismemberment benefits
  • Group benefit plans to help retain your outstanding staff
  • Capture business growth value
  • Reduce capital gains tax problems in your estate





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The particulars contained herein were obtained from sources which we believe are reliable, but are not guaranteed by us and may be incomplete. This website is not deemed to be used as a solicitation in a jurisdiction where this representative is not registered. This content is not intended to provide specific personalized advice, including, without limitation, investment, insurance, financial, legal, accounting or tax advice; and any reference to facts and data provided are from various sources believed to be reliable, but we cannot guarantee they are complete or accurate; and it is intended primarily for Canadian residents only, and the information contained herein is subject to change without notice. References in this Web site to third party goods or services should not be regarded as an endorsement, offer or solicitation of these or any goods or services. Always consult an appropriate professional regarding your particular circumstances before making any financial decision.

Mutual Funds and/or Segregated Funds Disclaimer

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investment funds, including segregated fund investments. Please read the fund summary information folder prospectus before investing. Mutual Funds and/or Segregated Funds may not be guaranteed, their market value changes daily and past performance is not indicative of future results. The publisher does not guarantee the accuracy and will not be held liable in any way for any error, or omission, or any financial decision. Talk to your advisor before making any financial decision. A description of the key features of the applicable individual variable annuity contract or segregated fund is contained in the Information Folder. Any amount that is allocated to a segregated fund is invested at the risk of the contract holder and may increase or decrease in value. Product features are subject to change.