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Why is portfolio strategy important?

February 1, 2024

Understanding your risk tolerance: Each of us has a personal level of risk tolerance, which indicates how much risk one is willing to take while investing in markets that always go up and down. Your advisor can help you set up your unique governing guideline.

Understanding your investment time frame: You may want to save for your child’s education, retirement, a vehicle, or a home down payment. Each of these projects takes a certain amount of time, which is a component you apply to your calculations and potential future value with tax considerations and registered government tax programs such as the RESP, RRSP, or TFSA.

Re-evaluation and rebalancing: Your advisor can monitor, reevaluate, and rebalance your portfolio. When considering how your assets performed, consider current market situations, such as higher or lower interest rates. Some assets may have returned more significantly than their sector benchmarks, while others may not.

While rebalancing your portfolio, you can re-establish original asset allocations. However, be cautious of any tax consequences for selling early or buying and selling too often. Many contingencies need to be ascertained that are beyond the skill of the average investor. Thus, a professional credentialed advisor is needed.

Your Investment Plan: An investment plan is not just a document; it’s a road map that will guide you toward your investment goals and prevent you from getting off track due to overthinking or analysis paralysis.

Beware of following the investment crowd or chasing last year’s investment winners. Past performance is not an indicator of future returns.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about your investment planning. Open communication is key to ensuring you understand and are comfortable with your investment decisions.


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