The publisher Canadian Financial Publishing Group Inc. herein referred to also as the “the publisher”, registered trade names, Canadian Financial Publishing Group, Adviceon®, Adviceon®Media, and Financium® notifies that all elements of this disclaimer noted as: Adviceon® Data License Agreement: Copyright Use and Legal Notice must be agreed to by all users before use continues.
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Content on this website may constitute trade names, registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks (“Trademarks”), or Copyright information of Canadian Financial Publishing Group or of third parties or used under ownership, license or contract by Canadian Financial Publishing Group.
All information on this website and associated websites or representative websites designed for corporate use are protected under the Trademark and Copyright laws. They must not be copied or reproduced in any form.
Any unauthorized downloading, re-transmission, or use of taxonomic strategies of Adviceon® Media’s copyright pages in a website, library, or blog, or editing original text with the intent to adjust text unto similitude or copying or modification of trademarks or other content of this website is a violation of law which could subject the violator to serious legal action.
If copyright infringement is found by investigation, an invoice will be sent, and must be paid for the time to assess which may avert legal action.
Access to Adviceon®Media Services
By initial use or down payment, all parties contracting, leasing, or invoiced to use Adviceon® data for their website agree to all statements regarding Copyright use in this Legal Agreement and shall be liable for payments of invoices issued upon receipt. Moreover, there is no refund upon initial preparation of account or access to the said services. Upon use of this Internet service, the purchaser automatically agrees to all the statements set forth herein.
Agreement of Legal Terms of Use of Adviceon®Media Information
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All terms of use set forth herein apply to representatives (also referred to as advisors or agents), the sponsoring business or corporation represented on the website, including mutual fund dealerships or owners of managing general agents (MGAs) or Multi-Level Marketing companies that network to add associates, according to the current pricing offered by Adviceon® for specified services, including alternative pricing such as annual payments offered or contracted by Adviceon®Media. If a website is under password, this agreement remains applicable. All monthly fees, special website design fees, still apply at all times even when a website is reinstated or renewed.
Adviceon® reserves the right to maintain the rendering and manifesting of this entire agreement on all websites built by Adviceon® which manifests Adviceon®’s information or content or libraries. If you do not accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement of Legal Terms of Use, do not begin to use or access any of the links or URLs or websites of these Internet services.
Where a company has directed design or uses our compliance system, for any website for a head office, or a representative of their company, or for advisors of the company, the company shall be liable for all development and promotion and outstanding fees for all websites and design work associated with this website or the websites of their representatives using the company name or associate company, logos, terms, phrases, web pages or URLs, and all projects directed by such company shall not be wholly or partially at the expense of Adviceon®, unless stated in a signed contract as agreed by Adviceon® mutually with the company.
Authorship of Articles
Financial articles and videos on this website written and managed by Canadian Financial Publishing Group as a service for the financial corporation or representative or advisor subscribing to this service to help educate their clientele are intended only for online reading unless otherwise agreed.
Translation Disclaimer
The documents on this website, if translated from English to any other language, may present different meanings than intended. Make sure that you get the advisor represented on this website to guide you before making any financial decision as the publisher does not intend to teach or present final decisive financial information upon which to make a financial decision as automatic translators can occasionally be inaccurate with certain dialects.
Copyright Information is Not for Mass Printing or Replicating Out to Groups
Canadian Financial Publishing Group by copyright reserves all rights to Adviceon® Media libraries and articles on the website. They are for hypothetical use for education, for which use, Adviceon®Media is not responsible for any error or omission.
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Use of Calculators
The calculators on this website are intended for hypothetical use for education for which Adviceon®Media is not responsible for any error or omission.
Regarding Company Payment for Access to Representative Services
If you are a company directing or allowing a Financial representative or advisor or consultant or life insurance sales person or mutual fund salesperson or any other party agreeing to pay for and access Adviceon®’s copyright data content for a website and have not yet paid for the subscription of the service you will access according to Adviceon®’s terms of contract, all costs for such services may become due to the end of a three year term where compliance is not upheld, or where excessive directives were presented taking the website building fees beyond the scope of any specific website built in the scope of a company project, and payment for these Internet services rendered must be made within at least fifteen (15) days of the receipt of an invoice or you may be in defiance of the legal agreement of use set forth herein, including but not limited to copyright infringement, and your service may be halted until such payment or any other payment for an outstanding Adviceon® invoice is made, and such payments shall remain due.
Pre-payments for services will be invoiced to be paid via automatic bank debit on a preauthorized monthly basis or via credit card and must be paid for the continuance of the agreed term of use established at setup payment.
Without reference to an agreement or signed contract, the period for a website use shall run for three consecutive years where the full payment of this term is due monthly or in full upon cancellation of the site, or where Adviceon® deems to cancel the service and demand full payment for a website or group of websites due to fraudulent representation or confusing misinformation of a company or where there have been unrecovered expenses for services or promotions rendered by Adviceon® Media which was initiated by a directive of the company or any representative of the company via a meeting or via an email, or for Adviceon® copyright or compliance concerns, non-payment for an invoice due, cessation of service to your sponsoring company, or an unsettled communication with a sponsoring company.
Where promotions of a company via a website or an Intranet linking to Adviceon®’s services, or via a sales convention attended by Adviceon®, it shall be deemed that the company, or representative of a company, whether the Head Office is located in Canada, the United States of America, India, Europe, or in China; has actively set forth directives to build websites in conformity to their policies, and thus have incurred expenses payable to Adviceon® in accordance with this agreement and disclaimer.
Arrears & Unpaid Invoices & Rate Changes
All unpaid invoices remaining in arrears after 90 days may be forwarded to a collection agency or where copyright access via anAdviceon® website has occurred, we retain the right to acquire legal intervention which will add to costs. Canadian Financial Publishing Group reserves the right to add or increase fees, or recover expenses incurred in providing services to a company or a head office, or a company’s representatives, or during a rebuilding of a new website, or when Adviceon® is surprised by a representative or head office with a cancellation and Adviceon® has limited means to collect our fees, or to reflect increased costs of Internet business or an amortization of costs reflected in Adviceon®’s rates; or when domains are purchased or transferred into Adviceon®’s registrar where fees have been paid ongoing by Adviceon® and have not been collected for reimbursement via Adviceon®’s accounting and paid up to date by the advisor (this can occur when domains are transferred into Adviceon®’s domain registrar); and such potential arrears for domain payments made by Adviceon® may include a small service fee, and all such fees must be paid in full prior to transferring a domain out of our registrar.
Head Offices liaison responsibility
It will be assumed service has been rendered, despite Adviceon®’s fees not being accounted as due to any manipulation of any agreement of terms or by misinforming Adviceon® of the potential for profitability for services rendered or where Adviceon® has been presented to a company’s representatives as providing a service for the Financial company on behalf of the company for representatives assumed by use of referral, Intranet, or a representative’s compliance process.
Cancellation Warning
Where there are queries emailed about copyright or compliance concerns by Adviceon®, and there is no reply, or where it is possible articles could be copied from Adviceon®’s databases, or where Adviceon® Media has been shared on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or via email, or where proper cancellation fees are not paid in advance, Adviceon® retains the right to suspend website use and demand payment in full restitution for all expenses rendered. Any allowance by Adviceon® of a representative’s cancellation for any reason will be due to the grace given, or where there may be forgiveness of a representative’s debt and does not limit demanding full restitution for all fees not paid since the time of serving websites for representatives of a company. Where a company cancels all representatives’ websites, the head office immediately will become liable for all outstanding unpaid fees for a term of three years and where data has been pushed into Social Media, our legal representatives will be informed.
Use of Website Services
Canadian Financial Publishing Group websites or Adviceon®Media’s copyright information cannot be transferred to another ISP for hosting purposes unless agreed in writing and the files are obtained from Adviceon® and paid for (or where you build a new website and obtain Adviceon®’s data links or embedded widgets), as the construction and configurations are designed to link to Canadian Financial Publishing Group copyright data. However, another ISP can point your domain name to your website’s location at Canadian Financial Publishing Group where that ISP manages and charges for your domain’s registration fees, but services offered by Canadian Financial Publishing Group do the actual hosting in all cases regarding the location of the Internet website which also accesses Adviceon®’s Internet copyright data.
Interruption of Service
Due to the technical nature of the service, Canadian Financial Publishing Group is not responsible for any downtime experienced when a website service or associated email service is not functional for any reason or for any length of time.
Changes and Edits to Your Website
Only Canadian Financial Publishing Group is allowed to make any alteration to your website, regarding the uploading of any change, edit or update unless you have been given editing authority on your leased website. Any other ISP or web technician (IT) or a person or firm claiming to be an SEO consultant, is not allowed to access or upload to your website or alter formats or reconfigure the way Adviceon® unifies information at any time as Canadian Financial Publishing Group websites are located on hard-drives where highly confidential and copyright information resides.
SEO Strategies
Adviceon® defines SEO strategies via the document The Truth about SEO to enhance SEO and the rate charged for those interested in optimizing Google’s search (via the use of Google AdWords, Google My Business (GMB), comparative to the use of content and advisor blogs in a very competitive financial world dominated by banks also using SEO). An advisor can keep GMB’s free service updated once it is understood (updating address, telephone, etc.). A Special Rate for SEO work by Adviceon® at 50% off for clients will apply, which billing will not apply and will revert to the hourly rate for SEO where any other SEO consultant further admixes strategy and confounds the process (many are deceptively claiming the ability to bring someone to the top of a Google search). Where a client is assigning any other SEO service (for example from India, or a competing website firm) authority to advise on an existing Adviceon® website or an alternate strategy which may seek to complicate and thus compete with Adviceon® website services, an SEO agreement must be signed by the advisor with Adviceon® ahead of engagement. For information email
Suppression of MFDA Court Rulings
Where SEO is sought to suppress any ranking of a government body’s legal charges brought against an advisor using Adviceon® website SEO, the advisor shall be wholly responsible for any repercussions and further liability that may ensue. Our view is that Google gives precedence to all governments’ legal measures and online posting of offences in the world of finance of which they are aware, insofar as such posting is to warn consumers of the advisor’s conduct. (Google runs a substantial financial data centre and newsroom in Google Finance, and the seeks to remain under the law in the world of finance).
Understanding Google Tools
Adviceon® uses Google servers for all our advisor websites; and administers Google’s GSuite email services; and has access to all Google’s tools for SEO though it is up to the advisor to seek to procure such available service from Adviceon®’s fee-based services. For information email
Copying of Adviceon® Website Files Prohibited
Files built by Adviceon for your website hosted on Adviceon Internet servers cannot be copied and reused elsewhere with another ISP or domain host service due to copyright. To acquire these files by any means such as copies and to re-link them to any future site not managed by Adviceon will be classified as a violation and possible theft of Adviceon’s files or copyright information.
Any party including an ISP or web technician (IT) will be open to litigation for moving or copying or downloading or uploading any content to or from an Adviceon website, without a direct agreement in writing from Adviceon.
Email Services
Due to the technical nature of the service, Canadian Financial Publishing Group is not responsible for any problem or loss of data transmission or business income, or any business or personal liability that could be caused when transferring email messages with or without file attachments or via contact pages; or losses or liabilities in relation to any associated email service that you may use in your business, or any downtime experienced when the email service is not functional for any reason or for any length of time, or where unwanted email or viruses are received by anyone, including any mail server record dysfunction during server transfers or system configurations or where our integrated email system or contact forms cause any delay of information or email.
Website Design and Scope of Projects
Canadian Financial Publishing Group is not responsible for the functionality or continuity of certain online page design installed that has been designed by non- Adviceon®Media’s designers or webmasters. In all cases, Canadian Financial Publishing Group should be consulted by any designer or webmaster creating any code or file to be implanted into a website built and maintained by Canadian Financial Publishing Group. Where other design or HTML work or any other work is requested to be installed, there will be fees associated with configuration and the time to do such design and installation. Such work where other parties are preparing design or HTML pages may increase the time beyond Adviceon®’s normal design and installation procedures and concomitantly, Adviceon®’s docket time. Adviceon® is capable of doing all the Internet work an advisor needs on a website.
All website design fees shall be invoiced which are incurred beyond the scope of any website build, and Adviceon®’s accounting will be finally accounted as fees fair, true and due. Where a client has directed website building, refurbishing, or updating beyond minimal text updates (whether there was an estimate requested or not requested), where new or updated design fees have been incurred which are not paid, it shall be viewed that your account is in arrears, and your site may be shut down.
There is No Liability to Adviceon® for Non-Compliant Website or Content Use
Canadian Financial Publishing Group is not responsible for any use of this website by anyone in or outside of the financial industry who may or may not sell financial products or advises others regarding financial planning or tax planning beyond their licensed or certified authority in any jurisdiction. Where any erroneous application of any information on any website built by Adviceon®, or misuse of Adviceon®’s data content, or failure to comply with the MFDA or a Securities Commission or IIROC or Insurance related association or commission or any other government compliance such as Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), regarding Adviceon® Media, or online libraries or articles or an advisor’s profile that brings a legal action to bear, it shall not be deemed the responsibility of Adviceon®, who only complies with corporations as their compliance department directs, and where work is necessary it must be addressed to Glen Jackman by email and viewed as a potential expense where such work is billable.
Anyone who views this website is strongly advised not to rely on information on these websites as infallible or as accurate financial information or as financial advice even if the term “advice” or “Advice on Money” or “Advice on Wealth” or “Advisory” or “Financial Planning” or “Financial Plan” or “Planning” or “Financial Advisor” or “Advisor” or any other term that could signify Financial Planning advice or any other type of advice normally achieved by a certified advisor, is used. The information on this website does not constitute an offer or solicitation by anyone in any jurisdiction in Canada for any product or service in which an offer or solicitation cannot legally be made, or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make a solicitation.
References to Goods and Services or Trademarks
References to Goods and Services or Trade Marks in this website or Internet page, or to any party’s goods or services or Trademarks or trade names or brand names or links or widgets from services other than owned by Adviceon® or Financium®, or Canadian Financial Publishing Group, should not be regarded as an endorsement of these goods or services, nor is Adviceon® or Financium®, or Canadian Financial Publishing Group responsible for the use of such information as it is only offered as an Internet link to such information which is available online; and Adviceon®, or Financium®, or Canadian Financial Publishing Group is not responsible for a misuse or inappropriate application of knowledge from the said information or sites or any liability caused by such information and as such, any and all Errors or Omissions are Excluded.
Regarding the Interpretation of Services
No interpretation, assessment or judgment or bias by any party regarding the services offered by Adviceon® shall reflect upon money owing to Adviceon®, and Adviceon® is not responsible for any representative’s, mutual fund dealership’s, mutual fund company’s, life insurance company’s, or Financial company’s, or any other party’s interpretation regarding specific compliance or content issues or updating issues or where any other corporation’s or individual’s or judgment or bias of the site is concerned, or if for any reason a mutual fund dealership or any other party requests a website to be reworked or access to your Internet site or data link be shut down for any period, and any payments due to Adviceon® shall remain due even where a provincial or a national legislative body change legislation, or where an assessment by any such legislative body shall necessitate a request to Adviceon® to change certain code of any website structure or shall affect the use of any of Adviceon®’s websites by the users. Even though Adviceon® seeks to comply within a reasonable period, compliance officers must approve changes or notify Adviceon® if secondary or further adjustments or changes are needed. Adviceon® is not responsible when representatives or advisors do not update their profiles using their editing facility via as this is their responsibility at the time of building a website.
Adviceon® seeks to meet all MFDA and IIROC standards and to keep articles updated and will communicate with any compliance officer with good intentions and will acknowledge suggestions for mutual improvement. Adviceon® will remain open to addition or removal or updating or editing of certain portions of text upon request. Adviceon® is not responsible for corrections or changes or additions or updates or editing requested or achieved by compliance officers or the representative, especially if they are not assessed periodically or proofed by the advisor or representative or concerned parties, or if there are not further directives issued to Adviceon® for correction and continuance of service.
Regarding Co-op Funding for Websites
Though Adviceon® offers Internet data more specific to the mutual fund industry, or life insurance industry, it does not take responsibility for any interpretation by any party that deems to pay or not pay for some portion of funding for these Internet websites. Payment by any party subscribing to Adviceon®’s Internet services shall remain due irrespective of said interpretation.
Internet Website Interruptions
Where there is a technical difficulty or interruption of any Adviceon® service for any period, or any virus or malware intrusion via the Internet, or via Internet browser or uploaded files, or a compliance or IT or an advisor issue, Adviceon® will seek to rectify the problem with clear guidance from the advisor’s sponsoring company, yet such interruption shall not nullify this Copyright and Legal Terms of Use Agreement, or any payment for any Adviceon® service due. Where a website or email service is noted as being non-functional for a significant period, we ask that you first check your website’s connectivity through your Internet High-Speed telephone or Cable service, or dial-up line service, whichever is applicable (these are other non-Adviceon® services that can directly affect functionality).
Proofing a Change or Directed Work
When any change to a website is requested by any party concerning your website, it is the responsibility of the client of Adviceon® or sponsoring head office to examine and re-examine the requested change on the website until satisfied and Adviceon® should be notified until such change is satisfactory. Where any change has been submitted, Adviceon® will not necessarily update the website immediately, but may wait for one to three business days unless otherwise noted and any update requested regarding compliance or for any reason, needs to be proofed and advised as such to Adviceon that it is confirmed or ask again to achieve any work viewed as lacking by the sponsoring Head Office of any representative’s website. Where work goes beyond the scope of a website build, taking more than four (4) hours for Adviceon® to complete, or where multiple updates for one page are similar, Adviceon® reserves the right to invoice for prolonged interpretive complexity or the extra time to design, or interpret, or build or re-impart information to a website.
Canadian Financial Publishing Group is not responsible for compliance for the purpose of a sponsoring company or co-op advertising on any website though we seek to comply with all MFDA rules. Canadian Financial Publishing Group wants to point out that it is illegal and against Ontario Securities Commission regulations if a financial representative (the purchaser of these website services) implies authorship of any article published herein. Adviceon® seeks to operate within compliance rules but is not responsible for non-compliance relating to interpretations of the MFDA rules, or a mutual fund dealership’s rules, even though we seek where possible, to comply at all times. It is the Financial representative’s (the user of these website services) responsibility to inform Adviceon® of any change, addition, or deletion required by his or her compliance department or officer, and where any party has a concern regarding compliance, Adviceon® shall not be held responsible in any way. Where Adviceon®’s compliance management tool,, is used by a company, Adviceon® is not responsible for the company’s compliance officers’ completion or maintaining of compliance on behalf of the company, or for the use of Adviceon® ‘s tools offered for the company’s convenience; and it is not the responsibility of Adviceon® to maintain compliance of the company’s manifesting online content and it remains the responsibility of the compliance department to locate the website wherein an advisor’s profile is presented to the public by “Preview” using
Website promotion is not Adviceon®’s Responsibility
Initiating an agreement to pay for and access services rendered by Canadian Financial Publishing Group does not imply that Canadian Financial Publishing Group is responsible for or guarantees that anyone browsing the Internet will visit your site through any search engine or by entering your URL in their browser. All promotion and advertising of anyone or any company using access to a website designed by, or services rendered by Canadian Financial Publishing Group are the responsibility of the advisor, representative, or Adviceon® client. The user’s promotion of their site location is their responsibility and will not set forth any argument for discounting or annulment of payments due, past, present, or future. Adviceon® websites can offer use of Google Analytics to a client and will not take directives from SEO firms or Social Media consultants utilizing such Google Analytics.
Contract Period & Cancellation Policy
The minimum period of initial Internet access to Adviceon®’s copyright data shall at least be automatically contracted for a minimum number of three years without a formal signed contract, or for the term as indicated by a formal signed contract, from the first date of any access to Adviceon®’s Copyright Internet data or website built by Adviceon®, or to any service as indicated on an invoice, and will automatically renew, following the initial period, or upon the revision of any website or website contract with Adviceon®, or upon continued manifestation of Adviceon® embedded libraries on a website which is the responsibility of a non-Adviceon® webmaster, or when a website revision is paid at a special price, or Adviceon® data is viewed as not being utilized, the service shall remain payable for the term agreed, irrespective of recurring payment periods or invoicing cycles that are of a shorter duration.
To terminate a website or representative websites or any copyright access to Adviceon® Internet data, a registered letter or digital letter via email must be received 90 days in advance of the time of such termination.
Where an invoice has been paid in full or in part for a new term, monies are not refundable after cancellation especially if such cancellation is directed from a Head Office. In all cases, all outstanding fees not yet paid, relating to website hosting, copyright data access, revision or changes over three years which were not billed or paid, edits, and domain registrations shall be due, including up to the date of termination, even where the Internet service has been shut off as per a directive from the client, or for non-payment or conflict regarding terms of access. Also, a one hundred and twenty-five dollar ($125.00) fee may or may not be applied for abrupt cancellation per website.
All costs or remaining fees for a three year period of use incurred by any corporate group allowing or directing new website builds or upgrades or issuing compliance approvals or requests for MFDA or their advisor representatives, on any website, followed by a cancellation within three years use of any website, either of a Head Office or a representative advisor, shall be payable upon cancellation or disuse of services for all such services rendered. Where a dispute arises, Adviceon® shall determine the actual initial anniversary date, as the first day of the first copyright Internet access period as stated on Adviceon® records, or the date of any website revision upon which a new automatic period begins for three years at the current monthly rate as established by Adviceon® regardless if a contract has been signed or not, even where such revision was done without charge, the remaining amount shall be due.
To seek to circumvent payment of any invoice, or remaining fees due at termination for any reason, not in accord with this online agreement, will be deemed an infringement of copyright and may be prosecuted by law. Termination letters may not be deemed legal if given verbally over the phone or by facsimile or by email, without utilizing a distinct registered mail or courier service that offers a registered receipt as proof of receipt. Where an agreement to settle has been accepted via email with Adviceon® all accounts must be settled in accord with a promised settlement within 15 days and attested paid in full.
Past due invoices or monies owed where data links or embedded widgets are removed from websites for the purpose of evading payment; or without receipt of a registered letter of cancellation as proof of cancellation, a client or sponsoring company will have no legal recourse if payment is overlooked for any reason. When a company or individual cancels any or all representative websites, or stops supporting compliance confirmations, making it difficult to collect monies from representatives, or causes potential chargebacks that may harm Adviceon®Media merchant banking relationship, all monies shall be deemed payable by the said sponsoring Head Office.
If Adviceon has been lenient or lowered a representative fee or shortened a term of payment in the past for any reason, it shall have no bearing on the three-year term of service for which monies are due upon cancellation for all remaining months.
Where any initial website build, or special update, or design work, or website refurbishing or website design switch has occurred to a different designed website from the original website, and a three year period has not evolved from the date of completion of said work, Adviceon® reserves the right to charge fees commensurate with any of these said services as noted above, plus the inclusion of retroactive normal monthly fees from the beginning date of said work for an initial website build or date of update, plus any associated administration transfer fee, prior to a release of any domain under Adviceon®’s payee jurisdiction.
Any company that has given direction to Canadian Financial Publishing Group, Financium®, or Adviceon®, by letter or by email, on behalf of, or in union with, or by a representative, or advisor, or owner, or co-owner, or director, or president, or officer of the company, who later fails to pay an account, and has authorized a website build or online services, all officers of the corporation of the Head Office and their sponsored representatives using Adviceon® services shall be responsible for any non-payment of account for work so directed on behalf of the company for a representative who is currently, or was employed by or represented the said company at the time the directive was given.
Adviceon®’s accounting shall suffice as final accounting, and can account for work not yet billed or missed billings for directed or requested work going back three (3) years or where fiscal retainers (funds retained) did not cover such work; and any withholding of payment due shall be deemed an infringement of Adviceon®’s copyright from the date Adviceon®’s data was historically accessed.
Social Media and Other Media Uses
Where Adviceon® media has been used within Facebook or LinkedIn or Twitter or emailed using a campaign system via a URL post linking to your Adviceon® website, a one hundred and twenty-five dollar ($125.00) fee upon cancellation may be charged to mitigate or insure against corporate liability, and all such posts with live or dead URLs, and any copied text, must be removed from all online media and locations where there is a cancellation, and copies of Adviceon® information must never be used in unauthorised media else copyright infringement may be notified.
Continuance of Adviceon® Licensing Service after Contract
Even where the initial period of Copyright Internet access has renewed, or been allowed to continue by a head office or use of compliance tools offered by Adviceon® has occurred, and continued in order to allow or retain pricing or service, or due to non-cancellation, fees will be deemed due to date, until either a new contract is formalized, or a cancellation is requested and completed as per the above-stated method, and monies due where applicable, using a registered letter by mail or courier.
Full payment shall be due upon receipt of each invoice on a prepayment basis even where any payment is due before accessing the copyright Internet access data which may cause service interruption. All initial set-up and ongoing service fees are to be paid as due when invoiced. Paid invoices for any Internet service are not refundable for any reason.
Initial and Ongoing Contract Activation
The legal information supplied online attending this website applies for a minimum term of agreement for three years and is confirmed, agreed upon, and actualized by an order or request for services via email or letter or an applied payment to initiate Internet website building or to initiate access to any other Internet service offered by Canadian Financial Publishing Group or by the trade name of Adviceon®. Upon activation, all established set-up fees and monthly access fees shall be due for a minimum of three years or more, regardless if a shorter period or pause of a period has been allowed for any reason.
If a period of access is extended, or by default, service is allowed to continue, subsequent automatic renewal periods apply and are deemed as a renewal, where there is a continuance after the anniversary date indicative of a concluding period of the initial purchase, and it shall be prolonged by this agreement for a minimum of three years unless otherwise agreed and payments not invoiced and not paid are invoiced and further paid for ongoing design and website work amortizable over three years periods despite intermittent and ongoing annual renewals.
Interruption and Reinstatement of Service for Non-Payment or No Contract
When service is interrupted for non-payment, an additional fee may apply for reinstatement of services once the historic invoices or debit failures are paid up to date. If for any reason the advisor or user or client of Adviceon® deems to terminate an Internet service about non-payment of an Adviceon® invoice, an additional fee shall apply to remove the website from service at the discretion of Adviceon®. When services are halted or removed for continued non-payment, where any Adviceon® invoice is left unpaid, at Adviceon®’s discretions, all rates shall be deemed to revert to the highest rate for similar services by Adviceon® based on one advisor (not a group of advisors under 100 representatives) and all invoices may be submitted to a collection agency or for legal counsel. Adviceon® accounting will be the only record of reference to finalize any unpaid account. It is advisable to have a signed formal contract made legal by the agreed signatures including the signature of both the company and Adviceon®’s president, which may offer special considerations or discounts on cancellation of remaining monthly service fees. Adviceon® may deem that all signatures must coincide with the same period of not more than 30 days of signing.
Adviceon® reserves the right to demand full payment for all work allowed or directed by and rendered for a company. If this online Internet Agreement of Copyright Use & Legal Notice is the only agreement operative where there has not been a signed formal agreement, this entire Agreement of Copyright Use & Legal Notice set forth herein shall prevail in all disputes.
Website Readiness
Canadian Financial Publishing Group will not be responsible for premature advertisements or promotion by any user or client to anyone, by any method presenting their website as ready to view, until all configurations are proofed and proven to be working to the client’s total satisfaction or by a compliance department if necessary, as it often takes more time than anticipated to configure a website or articulate a profile or for multiple reasons. Adviceon® may access monthly payments as soon as the architecture of the website or pages of the website is formed and may not necessarily rush web development work directed by a client as urgent for any reason.
General Disclaimer
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